Us Signs Asylum Agreement with Guatemala

The United States has signed an asylum agreement with Guatemala, which allows the US to send asylum seekers who pass through the country to seek refuge in Guatemala instead of in the US. This move is part of the Trump administration`s efforts to curb the flow of migrants at the southern border.

Under the new agreement, migrants who pass through Guatemala on their way to the US will be required to apply for asylum in Guatemala first before being allowed to seek asylum in the US. The agreement will apply to non-Guatemalan migrants who cross through Guatemala and seek asylum in the US.

The signing of the agreement has been met with criticism from human rights groups who argue that Guatemala is not equipped to handle asylum seekers and lacks the resources to provide them with adequate protection. Critics also argue that the agreement is illegal under both US and international law.

However, the Trump administration has defended the agreement, arguing that it will help reduce the burden on US immigration courts and discourage migrants from attempting to cross the US border illegally.

While the agreement has been signed, it is still unclear how it will be implemented, as Guatemala has yet to establish a functioning asylum system. The country has also faced political turmoil in recent years, with protests and corruption scandals plaguing the government.

The US asylum system has been under significant strain in recent years, with a backlog of more than 1 million cases and significant delays in processing asylum claims. While the Trump administration has sought to address these issues through various policy changes, critics argue that the administration`s focus on enforcement has come at the expense of protection for asylum seekers.

With the new asylum agreement in place, it remains to be seen how these issues will be resolved and whether the agreement will ultimately achieve its intended goals. As the situation at the US-Mexico border continues to evolve, it is clear that immigration policy will remain a contentious issue for some time to come.

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