Schengen Agreement Covid 19

The Schengen Agreement and Covid-19: How Travel Restrictions are Affecting Europe

The Schengen Agreement, signed in 1985 and implemented in 1995, is a treaty that allows for the free movement of people and goods across most of the European Union and some non-EU countries. However, the agreement has been put to the test in recent months due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

As governments across Europe implement travel restrictions and border closures to fight the spread of the virus, the Schengen Agreement has been suspended in some cases. This has had significant impacts on cross-border travel and the economy.

Travel Restrictions

As of March 2021, many countries in the Schengen Area have implemented travel restrictions to varying degrees. For example, Denmark has closed its borders to most travelers, while France only allows essential travel from some countries. These restrictions have resulted in a decrease in tourism, which is a major part of the economy in many European countries.

Many travel restrictions have exemptions for essential workers, such as healthcare professionals and truck drivers. However, even these workers have faced difficulties as they try to navigate border closures and quarantine requirements.

Border Closures

Some countries in the Schengen Area have completely closed their borders in response to the pandemic. For example, Hungary closed its borders in March 2020 and has only allowed limited entry since then. This has resulted in difficulties for citizens who need to travel for work or family reasons.

The closure of borders has also caused significant economic impacts. Many businesses rely on cross-border trade, and the closure of borders has disrupted supply chains and made it difficult to transport goods.


The Schengen Agreement has been a significant achievement for Europe, allowing for the free movement of people and goods across much of the continent. However, the Covid-19 pandemic has put this agreement to the test, with many countries implementing travel restrictions and border closures.

While these measures are necessary to fight the spread of the virus, they have had significant impacts on the economy and cross-border travel. It remains to be seen how long these restrictions will be in place and what the long-term impacts will be on Europe.

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