Bc Hydro Union Agreement

BC Hydro, the state-owned electric utility in British Columbia, Canada, recently agreed to a new collective bargaining agreement with its employees` union. The agreement was reached after negotiations between the utility`s management and the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) Local 15.

The agreement between BC Hydro and the union covers over 3,000 employees who work in various capacities across the utility`s operations. These employees include power engineers, electricians, administrative staff, and safety specialists, among others.

The new collective bargaining agreement is effective from April 1, 2021, and is set to expire on March 31, 2024. It includes several key provisions that will benefit both employees and the utility as a whole.

One of the key provisions of the agreement is an increase in wages for employees over the three-year term of the agreement. The wage increase will be 2% per year, with an additional 0.75% increase in the final year of the agreement.

The agreement also includes enhancements to the employee pension plan, with increased contributions from both the utility and the employees. The new pension plan will provide employees with improved retirement benefits and greater financial security.

Another important provision of the agreement is a commitment from the utility to hire more Indigenous and diverse workers. BC Hydro has pledged to increase its Indigenous workforce to 7% by 2024, up from the current level of 5.2%.

In addition, the utility has set a goal of increasing its workforce diversity to 50% by 2024. This means hiring more women, people of colour, and people with disabilities in various positions across the company.

The new collective bargaining agreement also includes improvements in health and safety provisions for employees. These include enhanced safety training, better protective equipment, and more rigorous injury reporting procedures.

Finally, the agreement includes a commitment from BC Hydro and the union to work together on environmental initiatives. The utility has pledged to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by 80% by 2050, and the union has agreed to support this goal through various initiatives and partnerships.

In conclusion, the new collective bargaining agreement between BC Hydro and the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) Local 15 is a significant milestone for both the utility and its employees. The agreement includes several key provisions that will benefit workers, improve workplace safety, and support the company`s environmental goals.

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